Data for Health Conference 2023

Performing research on international health data is a difficult task at this point in time. What problems exist, how these obstacles can be overcome and how to ensure data security while simultaneously facilitating more op-portunities for research – all these topics were addressed at an interna-tional health data conference held from 20 to 21 June in Berlin.

20. June 2023

The conference was organised by the Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with Prof. Jochen Lennerz from the Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA). At the High-Level “Data for Health Conference 2023”, experts from Germany, the US and Europe discussed the framework conditions and opportunities for using health data within and outside European borders.

The event was held in English and shared as a livestream. Past livestreams can be accessed on this website.

On the first day, Federal Minister of Health Prof. Karl Lauterbach opened the conference with a keynote address.

Data for Health - opening press conference

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Data for Health livestream – day 1

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Data for Health Livestream - 2. Tag

On day two, the Minister presented the conference’s results in a concluding panel discussion.

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Last change: 20. June 2023

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